
Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder is a disorder characterized by pain and significant loss of the full range of motion. The process involves inflammation, scarring, thickening and contracture of the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint.

Physicians point out that though many muscles can be involved in the condition of frozen shoulder, the subscapularis muscle is often seen as the main problem area.

The condition is more common in individuals above the age of 50 as well as in women between the ages of 40 to 70 years old.


Frozen Shoulder – Stages

An episode of a frozen shoulder is normally progressive .i.e. it worsens with time or may even improve spontaneously. The main symptom is a pain located around the shoulder joint along with restricted motion. The condition normally passes through the following stages in most of the patients:

Stage I – Painful/Freezing Stage:
This is often the most painful stage. Motion is severely restricted and the stage lasts for 6-12 weeks on a whole.

Stage II – Frozen Stage:
The pain normally eases up, but the stiffness worsens. The frozen stage can last from 4-6 months in all.

Stage III – Thawing Stage:
This is a very gradual stage and motion steadily improves over a lengthy period of time. The thawing stage can extend up to more than a year.