Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is defined as an autoimmune disease, causing chronic inflammation of the joints and the tissue around the joints, along with other organs in the body.
An autoimmune disease is an illness that occurs when the body tissues are mistakenly attacked by its own immune system. Since rheumatoid arthritis can affect multiple organs of the body, it is also referred to as a systemic illness or a rheumatoid disease.
Gender, lifestyle, genetic make-up and infection are also considered as possible causes of rheumatoid arthritis.
Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is widely recognized as one of the most debilitating forms of arthritis, causing joints to ache, throb, and eventually become deformed. Though it can affect almost any joint of the body, hands and feet are the most commonly affected areas.
Here we list the most common symptoms experienced before and during the condition of rheumatoid arthritis:
· Fatigue and weakness
· Stiffness, especially in the mornings
· Limited range of motion
· Eye-burning or tingling
· Flu-like symptoms
· Rheumatoid nodules or lumps under the skin
· Muscle pain
· General malaise
· Simultaneous pain in three or more joints
· Loss of appetite